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0478 Unit 9: Key programming concepts

Paper 2: Algorithms, Programming and Logic


Inside the Unit...

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Areas Covered

  • Lesson 1: Data types and operations
  • Download sample lesson above
  • Lesson 2: Sequence and selection
  • Lesson 3: Iteration
  • Lesson 4: Arrays
  • Lesson 5: Library routines
  • Assessment

There are 5 worksheets, 5 homework tasks, and an assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.

Summary - New 2023-2025 Exam Specification

This first programming unit assumes that students have no knowledge, however, it progresses quickly on the assumption that many students will already have some experience of programming. Key programming concepts such as data types, variables and constants are dealt with in the first lesson. Selections using IF and CASE statements are considered in the second lesson. Lesson 3 covers iteration, including count-controlled, pre-condition and post-condition loops. Arrays are considered in lesson 4 with the final lesson 5 covering both string manipulation and library routines. Throughout the unit, practical opportunities are given for students to program. The final unit assesses students with written questions that emulate those they will experience in their final exam.

What's included in the toolkit?


These units have been written to satisfy the specification for the theoretical Section 1 of the Cambridge IGCSE® 0478, 0984 and O Level 2210 Computer Science courses. Each unit contains:

  • PowerPoint slides for each lesson
  • Detailed lesson plans
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Worksheets and homework activities with answers
  • End-of-unit Assessment test with answers
  • Other material and links to online resources

What people say...

Can I just say how pleased I was with the book. I’m thinking of using it rather than a text book! Brilliant in that there is no waffle and just facts – excellent for when a pupil misses a lesson.


Jonathan Morton. Head of Computer Science, Cheltenham College

I really like the resources, indepth and easy to use. 

Leslie Mohally. Head of ICT and Computer Science, Swans International Sierra Blanca

Relevant Textbooks

Inside the Unit...

  • Download Free Sample 4.1mb

    Areas Covered

    • Lesson 1: Data types and operations
    • Download sample lesson above
    • Lesson 2: Sequence and selection
    • Lesson 3: Iteration
    • Lesson 4: Arrays
    • Lesson 5: Library routines
    • Assessment

    There are 5 worksheets, 5 homework tasks, and an assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.

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